"You would have been entitled to pay the money back in one year's time from the date at which it was first advanced to you."
"You would have been entitled to pay the money back in one year's time from the date at which it was first advanced to you."
Illustration of The Moonstone, "Second Period: Second Narrative," Chapter 2. Captures the moment when Mr. Bruff tells the Indian man "you would have been entitled to pay the money back in one year's time from the date at which it was first advanced to you."
Bibliographic Citation
"You would have been entitled to pay the money back in one year's time from the date at which it was first advanced to you." Harper's Weekly, 16 May 1868, web-p-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/ehost/archiveviewer/archive?vid=3&sid=894c9a70-e445-43b3-bd8c-4566f8451cf4%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#kw=true&acc=false&lpId=divl033&ppId=divp0015&twPV=&xOff=1282&yOff=1358&zm=5&fs=&rot=0&docMapOpen=true&pageMapOpen=true&AN=67541244&db=h9m. Accessed 4 December 2024.