Willard’s Hotel, Washington, Saved by the New York Fire Zouaves
Willard’s Hotel, Washington, Saved by the New York Fire Zouaves
Illustration of several fire zouaves working together to take out the fire at Willard's Hotel. In the bottom of the illustration, zouaves are taking out the fire with a water hose. On the right of the illustration, zouaves are climbing the building with ladders and ropes to assist. On the bottom left of the illustration, zouaves lack ladders and are instead, creating a human pyramid to assist the fire.
Bibliographic Citation
Harper's Weekly, vol. 5, no.230, 25 May 1861, p. 321. Internet Archives [Digital]. https://archive.org/details/harpersweeklyv5bonn/page/320/mode/2up?view=theater