The Influence of Infant Care Costs on Cooperative Infant Care Behaviour in Tamarin Monkeys
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The Influence of Infant Care Costs on Cooperative Infant Care Behaviour in Tamarin Monkeys
ZOOL 567, 2021
Cam, Carmen
Many species within the callitrichid family display a cooperative breeding system where cooperation by alloparents in infant care is prevalent. The costs of infant care is influential on the variation in this behaviour as demonstrated by the tamarin monkeys. The amount of contribution towards infant care by alloparents is determined by the costs and benefits of helping.
Díaz-Muñoz, S. L. (2016). Complex cooperative breeders: Using infant care costs to explain variability in callitrichine social and reproductive behavior. American Journal of Primatology, 78(3), 372–387.
Erb, W. M., & Porter, L. M. (2020). Variable infant care contributions in cooperatively breeding groups of wild saddleback tamarins. American Journal of Primatology, 82(12), e2319.
Parental Care/Social Behaviour
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